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Candidate Forum Recordings 2023 through 2024 - Including  the Feb 2023 End of Life Panel Recording

July 2024 Primary Candidate Forums - Recordings and Info!

The League of Women Voters of Clallam and Jefferson Counties, in partnership with the North Olympic Library System, encourages members of the public who live in Legislative District 24 and Clallam County to submit candidate questions for the July Candidate Forums: Clallam PUD Commissioner District 3;  Clallam County Commissioner District 2;  and 24th District-wide State Representative Positions 1 and 2;  and 24th District-wide State Senator.

These five candidate forums for the August 6 Primary Election will take place on Zoom on the following dates, allowing people from across the County a chance to see the candidates:


PUD Commissioner District 3 (West End)

Tuesday, July 2, starting at 5:30 PM. Confirmed participants are: Phyllis Bernard, Kenneth Reandeau, and Ken Simpson. 
Hear/View the Zoom Recording here: PUD CANDIDATE FORUM


24th Legislative District Representative Position 1

Tuesday, July 9, starting at 5:30 PM. Confirmed participants are: Matthew (Matt) Roberson, Adam Bernbaum, Eric Pickens, and Nate Tyler. As of 6-12-24, JR Streifel had not responded.  Hear/View the Zoom Recording here: 24th Leg District Rep 1 Forum

County Commissioner District 2

Thursday, July 11, starting at 5:30 PM. Confirmed participants are: Kate Dexter,  Randy Johnson, and Anders Tron-Haukebo.  Hear/View the Zoom Recording here: County Commissioner2 Forum


24th Legislative District Senator

Thursday, July 11, starting at 7:00 PM. Confirmed participants are: Mike Chapman and Marcia Kelborn. Candidate James Russell chose not to participate. Hear/View the Zoom Recording here: 24th Leg District Senator Forum


24th Legislative District, Representative Position 2

Thursday, July 18, starting at 5:30 PM. Confirmed participants are: Steve Tharinger and Terry Roberts.  Hickory Grant chose to not agree to the video waiver and thus did not participate. Hear/View the Zoom Recording here: 24th Leg District 24 Rep2 Forum 

Concise, unbiased questions directly related to the job, its policies, and the leadership skills required were given priority, and similar questions were combined. We strive to ensure that questions reflect a wide range of concerns from our County, and our questions are never released to any candidates in advance of the forums.


For additional information on the candidate forums, please contact the League of Women Voters Clallam County at for the Clallam County forums or for the 24th District Forums.

The League of Women Voters is a national nonpartisan, non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the informed and active participation of citizens in government.

LWVCLA Candidate Forum Policy 2024      LWVCLA Video Release Form 2024

2023 Forum Recordings

View Forum: Port of Port AngEles Commissioner District No. 3

View Forum: City of Sequim City Council Positions No. 1, No. 2 and No. 6

View City of Port Angeles Candidate Forum

In addition to local candidate forums, Vote411 is the League’s online voter guide that is unbiased, relevant, and easy to use. Type in your address and get information on the candidates that you will find on your personal ballot, including candidate answers to questions posed by your local League on the challenges and issues in our communities. Use the side-by-side comparison of answers to help you make informed voting decisions. The Vote411 Voter Guide with candidate answers will go live on October 9.

For more info on local elections see or  Vote or Beginning on Election Night  November 7, 2023, results will be posted shortly after 8:00 PM, and subsequent daily results will be posted shortly at 4:30 PM (as tabulation occurs) at After the forums take place, a link to the recordings will be uploaded here.

The League of Women Voters is a national nonpartisan, non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the informed and active participation of citizens in government.

July 2023 Primary Candidate Forum Recordings

 Watch July 6th Sequim School Board 323 Candidate Forum here:Watch Sequim School District Forum

  • For Director, District Position No. 1, 4 year term: Forum participants: Jim Sheperd, and Larry Jeffryes. John Graham was been contacted but did not responded. 
  • For Director-at-Large, Position No. 4, 2 year unexpired term: Forum participants: Derek Huntington and Maren Halvorsen. Dean Christian was been contacted but did not responded. 
  • For Director-at-Large, Position No. 5, 4 year unexpired term: Forum participants: Hunter Gilliam and Michael Rocha. Sandra Kellso advised that she has withdrawn her candidacy. 

Watch the July 13 City of Port Angeles Council Position 6 Forum here: Watch the PA City Council Candidate Forum

Participating candidates were Navarra Carr and Nicolas Merrigan. Mark Karjalainen was contacted but did not respond.  Jim Bennett advised that he has withdrawn his candidacy

A big thank you to all of the candidates who participated in these forums!  All questions were provided by Clallam County citizens.

Thank you also to our MANY volunteers from Clallam League of Women Voters and North Olympic Library System who do all the work to make these forums a reality. You are Democracy in action!

End of Life Choices in Clallam County - a Panel Discussion

EOL Panel Feb 2023 
CLICK ON THE PHOTO or HERE to view the entire February 2023 End of Life Presentation and Discussion.


EOLWA_Presentation 2-26-23 
CLICK ON THE IMAGE or HERE to view or download the End of Life Presentation.

In response to many requests
for a community information session on the issue of compassionate end of life options, your local all volunteer League of Women Voters, along with 
End of Life WA put together a balanced panel of local experts and providers to discuss and answer the question: What are your - or your loved one's end of life choices in Clallam County? 

Despite the WA state Death with Dignity Law enacted in 2008, there are still hurdles to overcome to insure that we can - if it is our desire to - request and receive medical aid in dying (MAiD) for ourselves (or for a loved one, in accordance with his or her desire) in Clallam County. This and other options as well as info on how to overcome any hurdles were discussed, followed by an audience Q&A session. 

Please consider sharing with friends, neighbors, and family members who may be interested.  

This event was provided as a free community service program. However donations are gratefully accepted.

We thank all of our panelists, including the dedicated Cassa Sutherland of EOLWA; the phenomenal Tim Brye, tech expert extraordinaire: our MANY volunteers; and most especially, League member Marcia Limoges. Without Marcia, this event would have never occurred.


EOL Brochure Side2  EOL Brochure Side1


LWV Clallam County

PO Box 1092

Carlsborg, WA 98324