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HomeCouncil, Chairs, Meetings

Meetings, Council, and Committee Chairs

Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes
These are available for viewing and download at any time from the League website's Document Library. Log in to the website, then
 click on  Documents, then Public Files,  then Monthly Board-Council Meetings, and then on the year and month you wish to view. The agenda and minutes (once approved) are uploaded there.
 Document Library

Meeting Dates and Times

Monthly Board/Council Meetings:  Council meetings are typically held the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 5:015PM to 6:30 PM. Currently we are meeting in person either at the PUD Administration Building at 104 Hooker Rd in Sequim OR at a location in Port Angeles. We alternate meeting between PA and Sequim to accommodate our membership - so if you plan to attend please contact our Secretary a few days before at to confirm the meeting location and time. ALL League members are welcome to attend the monthly Council  meetings. 

Committee/Team Meetings: Committees and teams meet up as needed. depending on the projects they are currently working on, either physically or via Zoom on a date/time/location that is convenient for that committee's members.  If the activity level is high, they may meet more than once a month, or communicate additionally via email. Once you have joined a committee or team, you will be notified of the next meeting's date/time/location. If you are interested in joining one, you are welcome to attend a  meeting before you make your decision. Simply contact us at beforehand to let us know of your interest and to obtain the next meeting date, date, and time.


Gatherings: In addition to monthly council meetings, which any member is welcome to attend, we gather socially throughout the year at a Spring Mixer, Summer BBQ, and a Holiday Party or event.  Some events are held at the home of a League member, some are at a special venue. We encourage ALL members to attend, and to bring their significant other to these events! Dates, times. and locations are announced in member newsletters and on the Online Calendar.

Annual Meetings: We currently hold  two all membership annual meetings. We welcome and encourage member attendance! If you are inclined to actively participate in the League, this is a great way to figure out if your interests, skills, or experience match up with any of our League activities. Refreshments are served at both meetings.

  1. In Winter, we typically hold the All Membership Program Planning Meeting. At this meeting we select and outline the current and upcoming Committee work for the coming year. We hear about upcoming legislation affecting issues that we are interested in, welcome our new members, and visit.


  2. In Summer or Autumn, we typically hold the All Membership Annual Meeting.  At this meeting, we nominate and elect board or council members and chairs and find out what is going on in the Committees and in the state legislature on issues we are interested in. We typically have a speaker. 

Strategic Planning Retreat: This retreat for board and chairs  is held annually in the Summer, usually at someone's home.  We brainstorm, come up with plans, and share a meal or two.  

Meeting Guidelines

Our members discuss topics in a respectful way. We work from an agenda. We learn effective techniques for public discussion, how to advocate on specific policies, and what the issues beneath the rhetoric are. Our study and consensus process ensures that we are fully informed on issues before we take a stand. We also host public forums and debates which are well known for being fair, transparent and civil. This approach has earned the League a global reputation for integrity and thoroughness.

Council of Directors

Council Member:  Helle Anderson
Council Member: Bonnie Bless-Boenish
Recording Secretary/Council Member: Susan Fisch
Treasurer/Council Member: Gayle Fortson
Council Member-At-Large (focus on environment): Jeene Hobbs

Committee Chairs

Civics Education Chair: Bonnie Bless-Boenish
Publicity: T Lyn

Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Chair: Kelly Dyer
Environment Chair:
Healthcare Chair: OPEN
Nominating  Chair: Marcia Radey
Voter Services Chair: Nell Clausen
Welcoming Chair: Stephanie Sherman
Social Groups
Book Club: Mary Foster
Walking Group: Marcia Radey

If you are interested in any of the above positions, committees, or groups, let us know by emailing

Council of Director Responsibilities

In lieu of the typical League Board, which is composed of the positions of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, in 2022-2023 the Clallam League voted for a Council of Directors who will serve a one-year term and fulfill the responsibilities of the Board, which are:

  1. Administrative and policy-making arm of the League; 
  2. Provide direction and leadership in carrying out members’ decisions; 
  3. Ultimately responsible for all plans and activities of committees, study groups and ad hoc groups; and
  4. Once the Council approves a study, project or program in broad outline, the responsible Council member or Committee Chair/Committee determines the details and, with regular progress reports to the Council, sees that the plan is carried out.

Committee Chair Responsibilities

Chairs of the Standing Committees function as ex-officio members of the Board or Council. All members are welcome to join a committee, chair one, or nominate themselves (or another member) for a board position.  You will receive plenty of help from those with experience and these positions are a great way to get involved in your community, build leadership skills, or just make life-long friends!

  1. Schedules, sets agenda for, and writes a summary report for the Committee meetings; 
  2. Facilitates the Committee meetings; 
  3. Provides leadership, support, and hands-on help in carrying out committee members’ decisions, activities, outreach, and/or programs; and 
  4. Attends and presents the summary Committee report at the monthly Board meeting.